Circumcising Penis

These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘circumcise.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

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Mohel. A mohel is a Jew trained in the practice of brit milah, the “covenant of circumcision.”According to traditional Jewish law, in the absence of a grown free Jewish male expert, anyone who has the required skills is also authorized to perform the circumcision, provided that he or she is Jewish. However, most streams of non …

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Jul 31, 2013 · And here I thought teens and adults were handing out blow jobs like candy.Apparently, some parents remain concerned that their son’s penis won’t be granted any mouth access unless they start planning for their future sex lives at birth.

The role of infant circumcision in the United States of America is mysterious. The US is the only country in the world where the majority of baby mans have part of their penises cut off for non-religious reasons.

America has a bad habit of circumcising baby mans for no reasons other than culture and unfounded medical benefits.

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Accurate and reliable information on the history of circumcision, including articles and primary documents relating to both male and female circumcision, in both medical and ritual/religious contexts.

Intact America believes infant circumcision is unnecessary, risky, harmful, painful and unethical, and works to protect newborns, babies, …

The Tip of the Iceberg Men who resent being circumcised We often hear “I’ve never heard of a man complaining about being circumcised!” Send them here and they won’t be able to say that again.

Accurate and reliable information on the history of circumcision, including articles and primary documents relating to both male and female circumcision, in both medical and ritual/religious contexts.

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A baby man’s penis size at birth can be a concern for parents. Too big? Too small? In this Q&A penis size defined for normal and multiple conditions.

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