Gay Bias

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Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.

Apr 06, 2010 · On most mornings, my better half wakes up around 5:30, throws on some sweats and heads to the gym before work.

Allophilia; Anthropocentrism; Anti-cultural sentiment; Assimilation; Bias; Christian privilege; Data discrimination; Dehumanization; Diversity; Ethnic penalty; Eugenics

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We often fault the main stream media for being overtly liberal concerning both it’s reporting point of reference and it’s editing choices.

On Sunday, HBO’s hilarious tech TV show “Silicon Valley” admitted that technology companies in California have a powerful bias against Christianity. The show mockingly portrayed the “outing” of a self-identified gay Christian, who was “in the closet” not for his homosexuality, but for his beliefs

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Jun 17, 2013 · The Pew Research Center assessment found a level of support in stories about same-sex marriage that went far beyond the …

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Circumcision and HIV A lie will be halfway around the world before the truth has got its pants on. – Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, 1855 who called it an old proverb

Apr 23, 2014 · Five Hasidic men were arrested Wednesday for a disturbing attack against a gay black man in a case initially investigated as a bias attack, police sources said. Fashion student Taj Patterson, 22, has said he was headed to his Fort Greene home after a night of partying last December when over a dozen

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Frequenty Asked Questions. What is an attitude? What are implicit and explicit stereotypes? How does the IAT measure implicit attitudes and stereotypes?

Aug 25, 2017 · If the Trump administration won’t protect gay people, we’re at the mercy of our ZIP codes.

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