Inflammation In The Throat

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A sore throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. Sore throats are a common symptom caused by viral or bacterial infections or environmental factors.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, which is in the back of the throat. It’s often referred to simply as a sore throat and is marked by the typical symptoms of scratchiness and difficulty swallowing.

Gargling is a simple and remarkably effective way to kill germs and soothe a sore throat. Try one of these homemade gargles as a sore throat remedy.

Chronic sore throat is one of the most debilitating symptoms of acid reflux and LPR. Not only can swallowing food hurt, but a chronic sore throat can really

Sore throat is a common symptom of upper respiratory tract infections, such as a cold or the flu. It’s not uncommon to also have varying degrees of

A sore throat is the result of an inflammation of the pharynx, the tube that extends from the back of the mouth to the esophagus. Some of the major causes of this condition are viral, bacterial, or fungal infections; irritants like pollution, smoking, acid reflux, or dry air; excessive shouting; or some kind of allergic …

Different kinds of sore throats: viral, bacterial, and those caused by dryness — and things you can do about them.

Appendicitis is the swelling of the appendix.The appendix is a pouch that is at the beginning of the large intestine. The causes include blocking in the appendix, sores, or bacterial infections.

Sore throats are usually named for the anatomical site affected, for example the tonsils, epiglottis, and the larynx. Treatment of a sore throat depends if …

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Strep throat home remedies include supplements to boost the immune system, soothing foods and essential oils to kill the bacteria.

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